Around 5:30 am, gunfire was heard, and the fire of several vehicles was observed.
Jhonatan González NEWS

Two deceased individuals, one injured, as well as several vehicles set on fire, were the result of an armed confrontation between two organized crime groups early Monday morning on the federal highway 190 Tuxtla Gutiérrez – Ocozocoautla, in Chiapas, at the notorious «crucero de la muerte» (death crossroad) and Llano San Juan, confirmed the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE).
It added that following the violence, an investigation was initiated. After receiving the report of the events, members of the interinstitutional and interdisciplinary group arrived at the scene to take control.
Meanwhile, during the latest security meeting, Gabriela Zepeda Soto, Secretary of Security and Citizen Protection (SSyPC), reported that following the events, a ground and air operation was deployed, commanded by the National Guard and composed of Mexican Army elements, State Police, and forensic experts from the State Attorney General’s Office, who arrived at the scene to take control, secure the area, and gather evidence.
«At the moment, we are on the Tuxtla Gutiérrez-Ocozocoautla highway carrying out security actions coordinated with all three levels of government. Security flyovers were also conducted to provide certainty to citizens and address these reports,» she emphasized.
She also stated that the Peace and Security Construction Board in the State will remain in continuous session to address the events that occurred early Monday morning, as well as any incidents that may arise in the coming hours.
On the other hand, residents in the area adjacent to the scene reported that around 5:30 am, gunfire was heard, and several vehicles were observed on fire, while traffic was paralyzed on this communication route connecting to the central region of the country, as well as the states of Oaxaca, Veracruz, Tabasco, and the coastal area of the state.
Meanwhile, in the municipality of Ocozocoautla, another operation was deployed as six trucks were abandoned, three of which were completely burned, and the rest vandalized, prompting local businesses to close.
The population also reported a truck burning on the Ocozocoautla – Arriaga highway at the Tierra y Libertad crossroad, where security forces verified the events.
It is important to recall that on June 28 of last year, on this same communication route, a group abducted 14 workers from the Ministry of Public Security and Citizen Protection (SSyPC), releasing them a week later.
Meanwhile, in February of this year, the security secretary of the municipality of Berriozábal, located near the site of Monday’s confrontation, was abducted along with two more collaborators, and hours later their lifeless bodies were found.
So far, the exits from Tuxtla Gutiérrez to the municipality of Ocozocoautla, as well as the Berriozábal – Ocozocoautla and Ocozocoautla – Tuxtla Gutiérrez highway sections, are reported closed to traffic.
Two deceased individuals, one injured, as well as several vehicles set on fire, were the result of an armed confrontation between two organized crime groups.
Photo: Jhonatan González